
Dance Segment Notes, YouTube Links

These instructions should help you remember the place to start and stop in each dance and dance segment:

Swing City:  YouTube Link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjLzVRVPFUg&feature=user

Buffalo Boogie:   When music start, snap finger eight times and stump left feet at the next snap, start dancing, remember to face the audience, you must do a full turn when your right foot reaching behind and turn (usually we do 1/2 turn) do one round and there is a 2 count break before Swing time boogie, shift weight to left

Swing Time Boogie:  Stump right feet and start dancing. remember the last pivot, to fact the audience at the end of the pivot. Do one full round, including the extra routine thing. No break, next dance.

Hot Tamales: Righ feet, Kick Ball change...... remember to yell "Hey" when you do the feet swivel:  When you do the hand cowboy throwing rope around thing, do the full turn instead of 1/2 turn to face the audience, dance until the end, begin again, (remember to clap loudly making hot tamales) and dance until throwing rope thing and full turn and walk toward the back of the stage with finger snapping, exit the stage... 

Their Heart Are Dancing: 
YouTube Link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqfbtQOEoTs&feature=user

Couple dance in middle, single on the side, for two round of Midnight Waltz, first round with no turn, second do the full turn when the men is behind you.  The last six count, forward and back, facing the audience.  If you are doing the Love Letters, separate at the last six count to stand on your own to dance Love Letters.

Single dancers for Love Letters will come forward at the end of the second round at the last 12 counts, come toward the front to form the line, walk with count, 1, 2, 3.....10, 11, 12... begin dancing Love letters one round and continue until music start to fade.

The dancers in the back continue to dance Midnight Waltz until music fade, 3 and 1/2 round.... and walk towards the back, slowly and romantically...
Shut Up and Kiss Me
YouTube LinK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03NQQ0bNC1g&feature=user

Single two by two and couple Dancers form circle and face line of dance, do Drifter, twice , Horse shoe once and remember to shift weight to the right at the end of Horse Shoe (right hop, step down) to do Cowboy Cha Cha, starting with left feet, continue dancing until music starting to fade...walk towards the back of the stage, starting clapping your hands when the Sold! music starts.

Sold!  Youtube Link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJRoHgjAqts&feature=user

Sold:  Do sold! once, remember to do the two 1/4 pivots to face the audience and there is a 8 count filler (because Sold is a 40 count line dance), repeat the first 7 count of Sold! and stump the 8th count (Right Stump at Music:  Yeah), begin to dance Razor Sharp.

Razor Sharp:  Do Razor sharp once, and remember to do the hand at the side movement is cute.  Because Razor Sharp is a 40 count dance, there is a 8 count filler, so do first 8 count of Sold! and begin with Crazy Legs starting with right foot, stump.

Crazy Legs:  Stump right and begin to dance, do Crazy legs twice, ..Ladies, Walk to the side to get your wrap, tie quickly and get line up for the next dance.

Dance With Me: YouTube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIvT4D-8aiU&feature=user

Hideaway Cha:  Lady single dancers with Tango Wrap, left shoulder face audience, wait after 16 counts of music (Music:  The Night is young), begin dancing.  I like for us to do the hand coordination, 1st one is the right foot drag to right, right arm swing overhead to the right, 2nd one is the right foot cross break to the left, right arm reaching following right foot, 3rd one is the left foot cross break to the right with left arm reaching to the front following left foot, the last one is when the left foot drag to the left, right foot bounce off the floor and both arms reaching overhead to form an arch and come down to the sides.  Try it at home with the Youtube Video, some of the dancers are doing these arm movements, very beautiful.  We will do the dance almost 4 round until music says body rhythm.... and walk to the back of stage...

Just Got Paid:  Youtube LinK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTyVKvJoGjI&feature=user

Music High:  Back facing the audience, start dancing after six second, do almost one round, skipping the last eight count, facing the audience and start next dance.

Booty Shakin':  Do this dance with lots of body roll and clap hands and stump loudly, do this dance until music fade...  Walk toward the back of the stage.  For the next dance, put on your sunglasses and walk into position, back toward the audience

Men in Black:  YouTube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HamMEUuDEHU&feature=user

Men in Black:  Men line in front, women in back, all with sunglasses, back facing the audience, turn at the last 4 counts to face the audience (right behind left, turn, step together, Music:  The One you remember...) and begin dancing two round, no break , starting next dance.

MUM Bop:  Start dancing, do first round and at the end, right cross over left, do a 1/4 turn, do the second round and third until music fade and line up for She Bangs.

She Bangs:  YouTube Link: Finale (taped 7/27/08): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTyNJMU82kw&feature=user

Begin dancing after 48 counts when the band start playing, NOT WHEN RICKY MARTIN STARTS SINGING!!!  Dance She Bangs once, begin by facing the audience and with the last two count as right step forward, left step back face the audience, begin Uno Do Tres, once, ending the last pivot facing the audience;  Begin to dance Racing Cowboy facing the audience once (remember to clap your hands), the last pivot ending facing the audience (don't do stump, stump, instead do round the two counts with you positioning to do Baby Like to Rock It; Do Baby Like to Rock It twice (remember to jump high at the second jazz square, hands raise up completely with finger extended and yell "yeah").  Then do Tush push 2 round (first one ending facing the back and second one ending facing front.  We will practice the yelling "FINE" at the exact point of STOP and FREEZE.  We will have our hands extended in the air for eight counts, then wait for my signal, hold the hands of the dancers next to you and take a bow, walk back and exit stage left.  The dancers will be line up with the dancers doing all the dances in the segment in the middle of the stage and the the dancers who only do the last few, come in at the last eight count of the previous dance.

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