

Share the Joy of Dance.....

Join Us, the R&R Dance Performers, We Need You!

My Dear Fellow Dance Enthusiast and Friends,

Those of you who know me for years, understand my passion for dance, it’s in my heart and soul. I have taught Country Western Line and Partner Dance for years at the Saddle Rack and Rodeo Club in San Jose.
My wanting to share this passion and recognizing the importance of dance to our society, especially to our young folks, lead me into volunteering in teaching High School Students Ballroom Dancing with Adrian Flores, a world known Dance Master, in 2007 through his “Building Respect through Dance” program. We also taught ballroom dancing in Community Centers in the South Bay through our "Age 8 to 88" Program.

In October of 2005, Adrian and I performed in a dinner fundraiser at the San Jose Fairmont Hotel for the Hispanic Society, this event raised over $200,000 for their youth education funds.In 2008, at the National Hispanic University in San Jose, Adrian and I teach prep university high school students ballroom dancing through the Building Respect Through Dance program.We also raised fund for the “Building Respect Through Dance” by performing in The Center for the Performing Arts - August 2, 2008 At The Rodeo Club - August 27, 2008The Taste of Saratoga - September 20, 2008The opportunity has come now for you to share in the “Movement”, dance has become an invaluable asset for our community, as a social transformer. If you are interested in sharing the passion of dance and to make a difference in our young people's lives, please send an email to me at diana@dianadance.com
Our 15 minutes Group Dance Routine is a will balance mix of fun music, country, hip hop, cha cha, tango, rock'n'roll, an intermidate/advance routine. We invite you to learn this routine and perform with us. All the segments of the dance routine can be found on Youtube. Please come and join us in Celebrating the Joy of Dance. Let perform and show the world that the joy of dance can be found in many dance forms, Ballroom, Latin and most of all, Group Dance, country, hip hop, latin, tango! Share this love, this joy; spread the words, “Dance! You will be happy, healthy and live longer!”
“Please come, make a difference, one dance at a time!”

Diana Dance, email Diana@dianadance.com  or go to www.dianadance.com

"Building Respect Through Dance" Program- Please check out Adrian Flores' website at www.adrianflorespresents.com, click on video

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